Former Pastor Profile

Kota  Kawazoe

川副 浩太
Kota Kawazoe

北海道札幌市生まれ、愛知県名古屋市育ち。北海道大学で地学、宇宙物理学を学び、卒業。ITカンパニーで働いた後、渡米し、イリノイ州シカゴにあるムーディ神学校で聖書を学ぶ。修学後、コロンバス日本語キリスト教会で牧師となる。2015年から2021年 専属牧師として奉仕

Kota was born in Sapporo, Hokkaido and grew up in Nagoya, Aichi. He majored in earth science and astrophysics at Hokkaido University. After having worked for an IT company, he moved to the U.S. and studied the Bible at Moody Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois. He completed the study and became a pastor at Japanese Christian Church. He served as a senior pastor from 2015 to 2021.


ゲスト説教 / Guest Messengers

Ken Shenk

Robert Sorley


Rev. Robert Sorley was born in Minnesota in 1942.
He repented of his sins and became a Christian in 1947.
In 1948 he went to Japan with his parents, who were missionaries.
He was baptized in 1955.
He graduated from high school in 1959 and returned to the Unites States that year.
He graduated from Bethel College in Minnesota in 1964, from Bethel Seminary in 1968, and from the University of Minnesota Graduate School in 1970.
Rev. Sorley was sent to Japan as a missionary in 1970 and studied the Japanese language from 1970 to 1972.
He ministered in Wakayama Prefecture from 1972 to 1980. From 1982 to 1984 he started the Ikoma Baptist Church in Ikoma City, Nara Prefecture.
He served on the staff of Hirakata Baptist Church in Hirakata City, Osaka Prefecture, from 1987 to 1989.
In 1989 he started the Saidaiji Baptist Church in Nara City, Nara Prefecture, and served there until 2008, when he retired and moved to Columbus.
He is married to Nancy. His daughter, Lisa, is a teacher at Okinawa Christian School International. His son, Jason, is pastor of a church in Minnesota.
His goal for his life is found in Acts 20:24 – "e;I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."e;


Joseph Chon

ジョセフ チョン
Joseph Chon

 子供二人 Ruth (36歳、既婚 ) Rachel (33歳) 孫3人 Seth Abigail Hope
 現在 、コーナーストーン クリスチャン フェローシップ教会牧師
学歴博士号:サザンバプテスト神学セミナリー(ルイビル ケンタッキー)
 神学修士号:フラー神学セミナリー (パサデナ カリフォルニア)
 聖書学学士号:シンプソン大学 (レディング カリフォルニア)

 Married to Irma
 Have two Children Ruth (36 years Old, married), Rachel (33 years old),
 have three grandchildren, Seth, Abigail and Hope.
 Currently the lead pastor of Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Church and
 an adjunct professor of Crown College teaching Theology of Evangelism and Missions.
EducationDoctor of Philosophy (PHD) from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,
 Louisville, KY
 Master of Divinity (MDIV) from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA
 Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies (BA) from Simpson University, Redding, CA
 Ordained from the Christian and Missionary Alliance(C&MA) (1996)


Ken Shenk

Ken Shenk

1993年Nissin Brake Ohio, Inc.(同州フィンドレー)日英翻訳・通訳担当

1959Born in Tokyo and raised in eastern Hokkaido as son of missionaries
1981Graduated from Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Virginia
1985 to 1988Missionary, Japan Mennonite Christian Church Conference
1990Graduated from Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary Elkhart, Indiana
1991 to 1995Supported Japanese community in Bellefontaine, Ohio
 Since 1993 Japanese translator/interpreter at Nissin Brake Ohio, Inc. in Findlay
 Member of First Mennonite Church, Bluffton, Ohio


Robert H. Howder

ロバート H ハウダー(〜2014年)
Robert H. Howder

1959年Cedarville University (化学専攻)卒業
1962年Grand Rapids Theological Seminar MDiv 神学卒業
1963年エスターと共にABWE=Association of Baptists For World Evangelism
1993〜1997年Grand Rapids Theological Seminary DMin Studies 修士過程
 Cornerstone University の協力のもとABWE宣教と共に東南アジアにおける
 Asia Biblical Theological Seminary Master's Program を広める。
1995〜2006年SJCF(Singapore Japanese Christian Fellowship) 顧問
2007年同職 退職 オハイオ州スプリングフィールド移住
 長男 スコット:Cedarville University, CIO補
 長女 ペニー: バングラディッシュの貧しい子供達のための学校にてディレクター

1Born 1937 November. 1959 B.S. Cedarville University (Chemistry); 1962 M.Div Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary; 1994 D.Min Studies Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.
Prayed to receive Christ as a jr high school boy; Married Esther 1961 and together joined ABWE mission 1963; Began ministry in Japan 1964, serving in church planting, Bible school teaching, camp ministry in Kagoshima City until 1992; Lived in Singapore 1994 with ABWE mission partnering with Cornerstone University to field Asia Biblical Theological Seminary master's program in Southeast Asia; 1994 member SJCF (Singapore Japanese Christian Fellowship), pastoral staff from 2002 until retirement to Springfield OH 2006. Bob and Esther have two children: Scott, Assistant CIO of Cedarville University; Peni, director of a school for poor children in Bangladesh.


Shunichi Miyamoto

宮本 俊一(〜2014)
Shunichi Miyamoto

 子供の頃から車が好きで、HONDA Motors エンジニアとして勤務
2010年ミシガン州にあるFaith Covenant Churchに遣わされNAJO
 『宣教のみ言葉 マタイ28:19-20』

1954Born in Kashima city, Ibaraki, Japan
 He was a motor fan since childhood, worked as Honda Motors engineer
1979He was converted through home-stay in California
1984Graduated from Japan Covenant Seminary, Tokyo
 Supported various evangelical activities
 Christian Nursing Home “Kings Garden” board member
 Mission work with a focus on Asia and Sports evangelism
2010-Sent as NAJO(North American Japanese Outreach)missionary
 to Michigan and beyond
 『Bible Scripture : Matthew 28:19-20』